Friday, July 14, 2006

My Journey - so far...

Yello Yello,

Thought i'd post my update and tell you how far i have far i have identified one unversity (so far, the search continues) that could provide for my thirst for research and English studies, they have identical courses to what i was hoping apply for. It's been good responses all round, have written to them, awaiting reply on my submission of topics.

Anne, if you do get here [my brotha will guide you ;; incase i don't send you the link first], tell me what you think of these topics. Everyone else, who passes by lemme know your thoughts. Add on something, build on it feel free!

English studies:

1) Contemporary Fiction, Modernism and Trauma; texts and publishing

2) Pathway in Modern and Contemporary Writing and Culture
3) Pathway in Modern and Contemporary Writing and Religion / Spiritual texts (Interest fuelled)


1) Contemporary fiction publishing & literary prizes
2) Marketing and Management in Publishing (Interest fuelled and career focussed)
3) Publishing and book trade outside the UK (career focussed)

Publishing has been some what of an interest i harboured for awhile, before life took its course. Would love to makeover my career with books at its core.

Question: When researching for possible topics of study, must one only consider the passion or the viability behind them once outside the portals of knowledge? Hmmm...a penny for your thoughts...

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